44kg gone…

So between me and DH we have gotten rid of about 44kg. DH is nearing his original goal with only 3.5kg to go…while I still have 8kg still to shift.  A lot of people have been asking me how much more weight I want to lose and don’t I think I should stop now…I keep explaining that I really carry extra weight well and could still lose another 13kg easily.  Interestingly, I was looking back at my old food/diet notebooks and at my lightest in history back in 1999, I weighed 15kg less than I do now.  Admittedly I was starving myself and working out hardcore four days a week, but I did look great. 

I also have to point out to anyone who asks me that we are seeing this as a way of life now and that we will continue to eat this way until our bodies have settled where they want to be at which point we may start to bring in some sweet potato, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, spelt wheat products possibly. But for now, we certainly do not feel deprived or on a diet in any way.

DH is looking very skinny and only has one pair of pants that fit him properly – he needs to start wearing more slim fit clothes rather than lose baggy tops. I have shopped quite a bit as I am down two dress sizes lol. Both of us need to tone more…still haven’t figured out best scenario for that.

Today I cheated and ate a slice of cheesecake at Woolies Cafe. It was nice but not so nice that I felt like I would miss it…I really have lost my sugar addiction.  I haven’t eaten anything since and now am only craving a big ass salad…yah!